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Answers to some Commonly Asked Questions

1. Is this another ecumenical movement? The word ecumenical can have various meanings to different people. Frequently it means to stand apart (in our individual beliefs) together (in tolerance), so as to work together across religious expressions (Christian and non-Christian). This does not express what the present move of the Holy Spirit is about. We are standing as members of the one Body of Christ sharing a common foundational biblical faith that enables a sharing of Kingdom life and a proclamation of the gospel message.

2. Will this group replace our current ministerial fellowships? It is not our intention, nor would it be appropriate, to replace the various ministerial fellowships that exist with their unique contributions to the Church of our region. Our desire is to bring them together.

3. Why are non-pastors involved? There are many organizations within the Body of Christ that reach out in mercy and/or to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We are all part of the one body accomplishing these mandates whether para-church organizations or local church congregations. Leaders from these expressions reflect the heart of Christ for advancing the Kingdom of God.

4. Biblically, why are we going to all this trouble over unity? (On what basis are we seeking to bring down barriers within the Church of the Capital Region between the races, between men and women, between charismatic and evangelical and mainline denomination believers, between church and para-church, between Jewish and gentile believers, even eventually between Protestant and Catholic believers)? There are many places in the Scriptures that tell us directly or indirectly that we must do so: Psalm 133, John 13:34-35, Romans 3:22-23, 29; 4:16-17; 5: 16-19; 6:5; ch 12; ch 14; 16: 17-18; 1 Corinthians 1: 10-13; 3:1-4, 21-23; chs 12-14; 2 Corinthians 12:20-21; Ephesians 4: 1-6, 31-32, Colossians 3:12-17. Foremost, John chapter 17 reveals the heart of Christ as He Himself pleads to the Father for unity.

5. How is the issue of women in leadership being dealt with, including ordination of women for the ministry? The unity group does not ordain, commission or credential and thus it would be inappropriate to state an opinion as to how this occurs in various local congregations or organizations. We welcome all in leadership who are of like foundational faith. Women in leadership is an important and sensitive issue in the body of Christ, but we do not see it as foundational to our faith. The unity group welcomes women pastors and leaders who are among us.

6. Is this a place for para-church leaders to gain support for their organizations and promote their agendas? No individual organization is being singled out for support over others. The unity movement is endorsing activities that bring the Body of Christ together for prayer, worship and Kingdom work. When participating in unity functions, para-church and individual church agendas need to be subordinated to the wider agenda of the regional Church.

7. Do we have to have an official statement of faith among us? What if my denomination/organization has a substantially different statement of faith? We have accepted the statement of faith from the National Association of Evangelicals, ratified by many different groups since 1956. Each individual must pray and discern whether this is a valid foundational statement of faith for them. Having such a statement enables us to express what we believe makes us one in the Body of Christ. Individual pastors and leaders who place their faith in Christ alone for salvation and who seek to live and lead according to the Bible as the inspired Word of God are welcome to participate, even if they are unable, for various reasons, to sign the statement.

8. What has been the response from leaders of the larger evangelical churches of our region? There has been a voice of support that ranges from enthusiastic to supportive yet cautious. The overall picture is very positive.

9. Is there a plan for addressing under-representation by different groups within the Church of the Capital Region (racially, denominationally, etc.)? We have established a task group to accomplish this very thing. Our desire is to have active representation across all groups, denominations, independents, etc. that embrace Christ as Lord.

10. While this endeavor is purpose- (as opposed to event) driven, are there plans for what we will do with unity in the Church once it is better established? We are going one step at a time as the Spirit of God gives guidance. Presently we have monthly unity meetings for pastors and leaders, a bimonthly inter-church worship & prayer meeting for members of all congregations and weekly prayer meetings for pastors and leaders. There are also opportunities to participate in other Kingdom events that occur in the area which may be learned about through the unity group.

11. In addition to the Bible, what recent resources help to clarify the biblical mandate for unity, suggest what the Holy Spirit may be doing in the Church worldwide at this time, and offer guidance for this kind of endeavor? One resource that has impacted many in this region is the video entitled "Transformations" produced by George Otis Jr. and the Sentinel Group which portrays 4 entire cities in the world which have been powerfully transformed by the gospel as together Church leaders from various denominations humbled themselves and prayed. Also valuable are Tommy Tenney's book, God's Dream Team, along with Max Lucado's In the Grip of Grace. There are cities in the US which are further developed in this process and members of the Unity Task Force are contacting them.

12. What is the role of prayer in this endeavor and how is it organized? Prayer among leaders and pastors and churches is foundational to the beginning and continuation of our ability to participate in the unity endeavor. Prayer focused on the expression of unity in the Body of Christ has grown substantially in recent months on national and local levels.

Please e-mail David Digges with any questions.
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